Sketchiest Camp Characters of 2019

The summer of 2019 was full of sketchy characters.

In honor of Halloween, we give you some dubious camp characters who wandered their way to the peninsula on everything from spaceships to pirate ships.

Please, hide the sugar!!

What could this guy possibly be selling?

Nothing to see here! Just an Army man with a guy in a HAZMAT suit spraying something down…

No comment.

No maaaan, we didn’t see no spaceship!

It’s called the cardboard BOAT regatta. Why does Cabin 8’s “boat” look so human?

Wizards cutting people in half always promises a fun time.

How many fingers am I holding up?

An aviator, a Viking and a dinosaur walk into a building…

Yea… when have pirates on the peninsula ever been a good idea?!

Happy Halloween from Camp Voyageur! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for these characters or you might find yourself amidst some crazy conspiracy!

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