My First Boundary Waters Canoe Trip

Catching fish like this smallmouth bass (on a Wacky Worm) is just one dividend of paddling deep into the Boundary Waters where you see few other canoeists.

Your first overnight adventure is guaranteed to be a stretch. One astute camper captured his first Boundary Waters trip for posterity in the 2018 Paddle Post newspaper.

My First Boundary Waters Canoe Trip

I have been to multiple national parks and forests, but I didn't know what to expect here at Camp Voyageur. The first few days at base camp we practiced canoeing and fishing nearby, then we headed out for six days with counselors Alex and Evan bound for the Canadian border and the Crooked Lake fishing grounds. I felt this trip would be difficult, but I was excited nonetheless. It turns out that the fish we caught were but a bonus to the real dividend of our shared lake country adventure- our friendships formed along the trail.

I have never paddled up rivers and over lakes like the ones we encountered. We mapped out a route without the aid of a GPS screen, planning where to camp each night. Hitting the water at Mudro Lake, an amazing journey lay ahead.

The pristine Boundary Waters lakes and surrounding woods remain uncluttered with houses, motorboats or docks. We glided over clear lakes and fished beside unchartered rocky islands. I learned how to keep my "dry clothes" dry, while staying as clean as possible (Not so clean, Mom!). I knew those in our group a whole lot better after six days slogging through the woods and lakes together. We shared an experience we will never forget. Oh yeah, and we caught a bunch of fish. along the way.

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