Experiencing More Than Just the Wilderness

Camp Voyageur is more than an in-and-out wilderness tripping camp. At CV, campers indulge in an active outdoor experience which lays the foundation for a strengthened character and active lifestyle through challenge, friendly competition and responsibility. Many attribute camp’s character building and rigorous activity to the trail (wilderness trips), although that’s true, a lot of credit can be rightly given to Camp Voyageur’s in-camp program. There are three activity periods a day, followed by swimming, more activity and three balanced meals from camp’s talented kitchen staff. Needless to say, there’s no shortage of exercise while on the CV-peninsula. It’s not unusual for campers to arrive at home feeling healthier and happier than ever before.

The rigorous activity and busy schedule are all in support of preparing for wilderness trips. Campers are expected to take responsibility for not only themselves, but their group, so they can pull their weight, and lend a hand to friends and counselors. So, it’s no surprise as to why CV challenges each camper both in an out of camp, and they get to execute these challenges in an admirable and fun fashion. This summer, some of the most popular activities have been Pickleball, Basketball, Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee. With counselor’s right by their side, campers experience and learn from the jubilation of hard work through team-oriented sports and friendly competition.

With all the hard work provided by camp’s Activity Director, Bill Burgman, a great supporting staff of counselors and a diverse bullpen of activites, it’s easy to keep the CV games fun, challenging and inclusive. After all, half of the time spent at Camp Voyageur is in-camp, and the remaining time is spent on trail.

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