The Unbreakable Bond of the Trail

The passing of the Fourth of July marks the quick upcoming of the end of first session, and the halfway point for our second round of trips. Whether you’re on a 6-day or a 10-day trip, all campers experience and reflect on the remarkable bonding agents of the trail. The first day back home at camp is a surprisingly confusing time for campers. Many are happy to be sleeping in a soft bed, under the warmth of their covers in a cabin sheltering them from rain and bugs. Greeted with a home cooked meal from Deb’s kitchen, it’s easy to spot the happy faces and exhilarated personalities fresh off the trail, and bursting at the brim to tell their newly spun stories (which are in abundance).

Whether you’re hiking with your best friend, experiencing the leadership and guiding of your favorite counselor or maybe you’re canoeing with people you’ve never met before, you can always expect a few things coming back from the trail: a new collection of unbelievable stories, a bond and trust for your trail-mates and maybe a few inside jokes here and there. Roughing it in the wilderness with a few new friends or close old friends and an enthusiastic counselor has a natural ability to bring people together. Simple things such as staying warm, dry, safe from sunburn, sleeping on the hard ground in a tent, paddling or hiking all day only to camp at a mediocre campsite or relying on each and every person in your group to pull their weight and have your back while experiencing the challenges of camping in a remote wilderness is an experience that pulls people together whether they like it or not. The trail is a place for nursing and harboring inviolable relationships with people you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Camping is a truly special experience shared by many and treasured by Camp Voyageur.

Not everyone loves the trail, it’s an experience everyone should try, but not everyone will continue, and although some may not find their place camping in the wilderness, all will show their appreciation for their adventures. The natural world holds a persuasive grip on our lives, and our natural curiosity and attention to adventure is a spectacular medium for a deep understanding in ourselves and those who are willing to take on mother nature’s challenges with us. A struggle together makes friendship all the more clear, and where better to develop strong relationships than in the wilderness with Camp Voyageur. Friendships are just one of the many benefits of wilderness adventure camps.

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