Camp Voyageur 2021

Looking ahead.

Families are eager to register their campers and learn more about the 2021 Camp Voyageur season. As you know our program emphasizes outdoor activities and the camp peninsula is naturally isolated. We will welcome campers following COVID-19 guidelines from the Federal, State and County governments.

Camp Voyageur’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan relies on guidance from the CDC, Minnesota Department of Health, American Camp Association, and other health professionals.

For 2021 we have streamlined session offerings to minimize exposure to our camp community. Masks will be required indoors for campers and staff, and outdoors when social distancing is not possible. We will require that campers test negative for COVID-19 prior to arrival. Campers will be spread out into more cabins and mealtimes may be staggered, served individually, or eaten outside when possible.

Before Camp

  • Submit your camper health forms by June 1.
  • All campers and staff must quarantine for 14 days prior to arriving at camp.
  • Health documentation will be reviewed by the camp nurse upon arrival.
  • Campers experiencing signs and symptoms of COVID-19, or living with someone who has COVID-19, should not attend camp.
  • Have your camper tested for COVID-19 a few days prior to departing home. Bring a paper copy of the negative test result to camp.


  • Family members who are at high risk for COVID-19 should remain at home.
  • Parents remain in their car while dropping campers off. Follow social distancing, hand hygiene and wearing of masks when at camp.

During Camp

  • Camp Voyageur will be closed to visitors throughout the summer, except when campers are being dropped off and picked up.

Health Checks

  • Temperatures of campers and staff shall be logged. Anyone with a temperature above 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit for two consecutive checks will be taken to the Essentia Clinic in Ely for diagnosis.
  • Anyone exhibiting signs or symptoms related to COVID-19 will also be tested at the Essentia Clinic in Ely.


  • Hand washing stations and sanitizer are strategically located throughout camp.
  • Hand washing and sanitizing is required before and after every meal.
  • Throughout the day, commonly used surfaces will be disinfected using a federally approved disinfectant spray.

Minimized Large Group Interactions

  • Meals are served individually instead of family-style.
  • Activities will be held outside when feasible.
  • Buildings are well ventilated.

After Camp

  • A final health and temperature check will be conducted within 12 hours of departure.
  • Our nurse will be available to address any parent concerns or questions.
  • We advise your camper quarantine for 14 days after camp, as a precaution.

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