Virtual Programming Unveiled

Campers will be happy to know that Bill Burgman will be reprising his role as Bill Burgman. Our dynamic staff – lead by licensed teachers Mikey Meves and Alex Kvanli, M.S.Ed. – along with a host of outlandish characters are leading the program, which includes various “How To” videos along with interactive camp favorites such as WELK Radio Show, Olympics, Word of the Day, and Bean Auction.

All campers and alumni are invited to join our free 8-week virtual session this summer.

To participate:

  • Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and/or YouTube so you can catch the latest updates.
  • Have access to a Gmail account to sign in and participate on FlipGrid, a social learning site we will utilize throughout the summer.
  • Enter code “cvweek1” on FlipGrid to join in this week’s fun!

Tune in Sunday nights to catch up on the latest Voyageur news and find out the activities for the week.

Week 1

Instructions: This week’s FlipGrid activity is Two Truths and a Lie! Once you’ve posted, see if you can uncover the lies of the other participants. Bill also presents his infamous Word of the Day. See if you can use it in a sentence.

Use code “cvweek1” to join the fun.

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