The Voyageur Spirit

As the French Canadian Voyageurs of old toiled to open the northwoods, so too are you encouraged to travel new waters at Camp Voyageur.

The Voyageur Spirit is an unselfish one. Certainly your stay will be enjoyable. Yet part of the enjoyment is its cooperative nature. This means thinking of other people rather than just yourself. By giving a helping hand, however small, you grow too. By lightening the burden of another all benefit.

The camaraderie of friends is obvious. Yet that spirit goes deeper here. The Voyageur Spirit includes an appreciation for camp. The neat grounds, stacked sauna wood, an inviting fire or hearty meal do not just appear automatically. Someone has taken the time, care and effort so you might enjoy this wonderful setting. At Voyageur we recognize and give thanks for the simple things often taken for granted.

The Voyageur Spirit also encourages people to broaden their interests by trying new activities and learning new skills. While sometimes humbling, you are encouraged to accept new challenges and feel the genuine rewards of accomplishment. Lessons can be considered daily both in camp and on the trail when recognized by an observant camper. The “teachable moments” are all around us.

The Voyageur Spirit is not one that is easily described, measured or tested. Sincerity, dedication and kindness are important qualities. Passing this spirit on to others is our hope for a better world. Seize the initiative. Recognize what needs to be done without being told. Accept the challenge.

When someone leaves Camp Voyageur they should see themselves in a different way. It is our hope that they will be better citizens.

-Mike Murphy, Voyageur Alumnus