2016 Paddle Post
Have you read the latest Camp Voyageur Paddle Post? Be sure to catch up with the latest summer happenings with the 2016 digital edition!
Have you read the latest Camp Voyageur Paddle Post? Be sure to catch up with the latest summer happenings with the 2016 digital edition!
Were you ever yelled at as a child to have good posture at the dinner table? Or at your desk in school? While it hasn’t fallen off everyone’s radar, posture is certainly not an emphasized issue. Gone are the days of being chastised for not sitting up straight. But is posture really that important? Yes, it turns out. Poor posture in children is the greatest predictor of postural issues later in adulthood, manifesting as pain in the head, neck, back, hips and knees (Widhe, 2001). Poor posture is also compounding, meaning that if one link in the chain is out...
Time is surely relative. This summer has seemed to pass in the blink of an eye as we welcome our campers in from their last trip for the season. And yet for them, life on the trail can make each day seem like three. Only on a wilderness trip can you truly comprehend the distance you’ve traveled, knowing the shorelines of each lake you paddled through and each uphill section on the day’s portage. A few inches on a map is measured in hours, sometimes even days. Be sure to check out the latest photos.
After an exhilarating week in camp, our last trips have finally left the docks to find wilderness adventure once more. Second round trips range from 7 to 10 days and cover a wide variety of landscapes. Our most experienced campers headed out on to the Apostle Islands to sea kayak, to Lake Superior via the Grand Portage, and down the Vermilion River. Each of these trips involved campers in the planning and packing phase extensively. Less experienced and younger campers will paddle through some of the most iconic lakes of the Boundary Waters on a quest for fishing holes, legendary...
Campers returned to camp on the 19th of July, with most of our groups paddling right up to the docks. That of course creates a rowdy atmosphere, as kids really open up on their first round of trips. In fact, that’s the first thing we notice when they come back; they’re MUCH louder. Getting no more than a day to catch up from their wilderness adventures, several big events took place, which I will go on to explain in some detail. The first event occurred on what will probably be one of the hottest days of this summer, and thankfully,...
Behind each and every photo you see at camp, there's a story, though they're not always so apparent. In fact, some of the most meaningful photos to our campers may simply look like, for example, two teenagers building a fire to boil water in a rusty coffee grounds can. Little do you know how powerful this image is to those who partook in the Voyageur Olympic games several days before this photo was taken. I'll explain. Every summer, once per session, we host what is called the Voyageur Olympics. I talk more at length about what exactly goes into the...
Just as campers from Session 1 started making their way home on Saturday, new campers from around the world started journeys both long and short to the peninsula. It's quite the experience to say farewell to a group of boys and young men that you've come to know so well, and then welcome another 30+ campers the next day. But of course, after a GREAT night of rest (and sleeping in a little, maybe), we're ready to turn our full attention to Session 2 and some of the amazing things we have planned for our campers. By the end of...
Our campers have returned from their second round of trips, which spanned from 8-10 days in length. Since their first round trips laid a good foundation of camping-related skills, campers took to the trips like naturals. It certainly helped that the weather has been incredible this past week! Spirits were high as groups pulled into the dock or cruised in from the road and rendezvoused. As you can probably imagine, a group of 20-something teens and preteens all returning from the trail makes for a pretty rowdy scene. Over the next few days, we'll be trying to capture the stories...
The past week has really flown by. It seems only days ago that we were all returning from our first round of trips... wait, that's because we were. Since then, we've had the Gong Show, Klondike Day, Casino Night, and plan to have the Camper-Counselor Hunt later tonight. To a camper, all of these evening programs are familiar, but they are likely not for our blog readers. Fortunately, I'm here to explain and interpret all these crazy programs for parents, camp families, and alums. Let's start with the Gong Show. Essentially a talent show, what makes the Gong Show unique...
Just under 100 miles, the first ever all-girls Grand Portage trip set off bright and early on Wednesday (June 22nd, 2016). The trip will end with the infamous 8.5 mile portage into Lake Superior. And that's not the only difficult part of the trip, as there are several 1 to 2 mile portages along the way. Part of what makes a Grand Portage trip so epic are the iconic overlooks and lakes of the eastern Boundary Waters. Many of our old prints hanging in the Mess Hall come from overlooks on Rose Lake and at various sites along the trip....