2022 Paddle Post
That latest edition of Camp’s newspaper recounts our 71st summer.
That latest edition of Camp’s newspaper recounts our 71st summer.
There are several infamous “shortcuts” in the Boundary Waters. Morris Creek from Saganaga Lake to Granite River eliminates several miles of paddling along the U.S./Canadian Border. The rugged Beartrap River offers an alternative route to Iron Lake. The Angleworm entry point could be considered a shortcut to the fishing-hotspot Crooked Lake. All of these routes have three things in common: (1) They may be less in miles but not in time or effort, (2) that is no secret, and (3) it doesn’t stop people from trying. The Pagami Creek shortcut from Lake One to Clearwater Lake is no exception. Below...
Our hearts filled with joy, we paddled off from the Mess Hall dock. Alex Kvanli led the trip consisting of James (going for his Big Man), Harrison, bicyclist Deven, wild man Luke, and Eian “Genius” rounded out our crew. We paddled hard up the meandering Kawishiwi River. Our first night was quiet, and the wind soothed us as we played Spyfall. Deven won almost every game. The next day we were hit by a thunderstorm, and I regretted leaving my rain jacket back at Voyageur base-camp. The storm brought in extreme heat and I was thankful that our second campsite...
Our 71st season was another great time for campers who explored the Boundary Waters, continued generations-old traditions, and made friendships to last a lifetime. Here are a few highlights:
Gaga Ball Addictive and fast-paced, this gentler version of dodgeball has been all the rage for cabins one through three. Campers are in a pit with a soft foam ball; if the ball touches you below the knee, you’re out. Players cannot throw the ball, it must be hit with a closed or open hand. The last camper standing wins! Closely Contested Inspections We hold Inspections each morning after breakfast at Voyageur base camp, which rewards the American flag to the cleanest cabin. Most years, one cabin dominates. So far this year, they’ve all been pretty even! Kudos to our...
Last weekend four inches of water covered the road at the narrows, turning our storied Northwoods peninsula into a laid-back beach camp. Punctual bells became lackadaisical work camp respites, alumnus Jim “Jimbo” Bergman’s deviant Fu Manchu seemed somehow socially acceptable, and John Erdmann recounted Venezuelan beach holidays body surfing, but Farm Lake was too cold to consider even a sauna plunge for all but alumnus Phil Pinc alongside thickskinned summer staff Bryan Halverson and Kyle Emman, who spent their winter dogsledding with Wintergreen. Melting ice and snow runoff encroached on cabin 5 pylons and completely surrounded the rec hall. Floating...
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness is rightly famous for its backcountry paddling adventures, but it’s also home to a variety of rugged hiking trails like the Border Route Trail, Kekekabic Trail, PowWow Trail, Sioux-Hustler Trail, and more. The 300+ mile Superior Hiking Trail to the east usually receives all of Minnesota’s hiking glory. However, it’s not located in a designated wilderness so therefore it’s considered frontcountry. If solitude is what you seek, you’ll find more of it in the BW. Perhaps you couldn’t snag a BW paddling permit this summer, you’re looking for a change of pace from canoeing,...
There are a few words in Camp Voyageur lore which are sure to inspire reverence whenever mentioned– words like Grand Portage, Quetico, Plaquer, and Gouvernail. There is a natural progression, that comes with guidance and practice, for campers when participating in sports and wilderness camping at Voyageur. Campers are encouraged to try all activities, to learn from peers and counselors in training sessions as well as through experiential recreation. Campers make obvious physical changes and improve in performance on athletic fields. They get stronger, becoming more adept at wilderness tripping skills as they take on new challenges and succeed. One...
Sending your child to an overnight summer camp is a big decision and may be overwhelming at times. Being prepared helps! 1. Your child will adjust, so relax and enjoy your freedom. Adults see children tethered to their screens and reliant upon them to manage their lives. Suddenly they are dropped off at a screen-free, overnight summer camp, not to return home for two, four, or sometimes eight weeks. How do we do it? Well, actually, kids are naturally resilient and able to adjust to change, especially when they feel cared for. One big way we help them adapt is...
Hi from the Trip Director! In a couple of weeks, the National Forest Service will open wilderness reservations for the 2022 summer season. In addition to our most popular wilderness routes, CV will offer an array of options for traveling outside of our region. Please note that each trip has age and other requirements. Each permit we make requires the names of four registered campers, so we ask that you select your son’s preferences from the options listed below. Please to sign up or if you have any questions!