Just under 100 miles, the first ever all-girls Grand Portage trip set off bright and early on Wednesday (June 22nd, 2016). The trip will end with the infamous 8.5 mile portage into Lake Superior. And that's not the only difficult part of the trip, as there are several 1 to 2 mile portages along the way.
Part of what makes a Grand Portage trip so epic are the iconic overlooks and lakes of the eastern Boundary Waters. Many of our old prints hanging in the Mess Hall come from overlooks on Rose Lake and at various sites along the trip. It's safe to say that there will be some beautiful photos from their trip with veteran counselor Liz Cody heading the group.
The girls set off with two of our newest and fastest canoes: the Minnesota 3s. These are 3-person canoes that can average 4-5 mph with experienced paddlers, and hold a lot of the necessary gear (and food!) for a 9-day wilderness adventure with ease. They also sit well in the water with a large free-board, making them safer in the larger lakes they'll be paddling through in the eastern Boundary Waters.
We expect great things from this trip! They've got some excellent weather headed their way, and a little wind to hopefully sail with towards the end of their trip. Expect trip photos in about 10 days, and many many trip stories! Stay tuned.
See photos from the last girls’ trip up at the photo gallery!