Meet the Staff: Matt Berning

Where is your favorite place in the wilderness?

Laying on a rock, on an island, on Crooked Lake with the sun shining.

What is your favorite part about the trail?

Devouring lunch after a successful morning of paddling.

What is your favorite part about our in-camp program?

Evening Programs and the Big Games.

Who or what inspires you?

People who are passionate inspire me.

What are you looking forward to most this summer?

I am most excited to get back outside and see the campers again.

What is one piece of advice you would give a new camper?

Embrace the difficulties of the trail. We have a lot of fun out there, but it is not a walk in the park. There will be times when you are out of your comfort zone, but understand that is okay. Those will be the times you will remember the rest of your life.