Meet the Staff: Mikey Meves

What is your favorite part about the trail?

Reading for fun was something I never really did growing up, in fact my reading level was so poor that holding me back a grade was a consideration. When I came to camp and went on the trail for the first time, I brought a book with me, Fahrenheit 451. While on trail I got this feeling like nothing before, where my mind was fully free to picture and experience the story as I read it. I fell in love with reading while on the trail, especially fantasy, where the book brings a magical feeling to the forest around you.

What is your favorite part about our in-camp program?

In camp is truly a special time, it is where everyone gets to socially express themselves free from any ties. Where everyone learns to build friendships and answer this question; “what does it mean to be me?” So my favorite part of in-camp program are the events like Commando and Gold Rush where the energy level is so high that you have to yell and scream just to let off pressure like a steam powered train. Its social events like these that build so much excitement around what it means to be yourself as your train whistle is blowing. Counselors are conjurors of controlled chaos.

What are you looking forward to most this summer?

I most look forward to the campfire at the end of a hard fought day, where the flame fulfills numerous necessities like heating our energy rich food, warming our bodies as the sun sets, and calming our nerves from an eventful and challenging day.

Where is your favorite place in the wilderness?

My favorite place in the wilderness is the Basswood Falls campsite sandwiched between a pair of falls with noise that washes over you during the night and excellent fish to be caught during the day.

Who or what inspires you?

What inspires me is seeing my family, friends, students and campers find a passion in something that they turn into a skill, hobby, or even a career.

What is one piece of advice you would give a new camper?

Get involved in daily activities to have fun. Try new things. You’ll meet people with similar interests and make friends. Don’t feel that you have to do everything with the people you already know.